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Range Rover Hearse

Using an Open-Top Bier Drawn by a Black Range Rover
or Inside a Black or a White Range Rover Hearse

About this unique service and why I only require a set donation to charity for its use

For those who in life enjoyed four-wheel-drive vehicles and/or the countryside, a Range Rover hearse would be a perfect statement of this for their final journey.  

A black Range Rover that draws a custom-built black open-top bier, on which the coffin rests, is used to convey the loved one to their final resting place, leaving a lasting memory for family and friends attending.

This is the only Range Rover hearse of its type operating in England. The open-top bier can be embellished with floral tributes, photographs and other items. Even a particular flag can be draped over the casket if required. 

*.If the exterior length of the casket is 5' 6" or less, the loved one will be able to be conveyed inside the Range Rover hearse on a specially constructed deck. The deck is situated in the middle of the vehicle, as in the below photograph. The coffin and the surrounding area can be embellished with floral tributes, photographs and personal items. Further, if using this option, there is a choice of having either a black or a white Range Rover as the hearse. 

I deem it an honour and a privilege to convey a loved one to their final resting place on behalf of the family, and for that reason I cannot accept payment in return for this service. Instead I ask that a set charitable donation is made in the loved one's memory to Torbay Bikers for Kids (Charity Registration No 1200973) who raise funds to purchase essential items that will help improve the lives and/or education of children who are disabled or severely ill, living in Torbay and the surrounding area. 225+ children have been helped from donations.

The interior of the Range Rover hearse. Both the black hearse and the white hearse are identical inside 
There is a choice of using either a black or a white Range Rover hearse when the coffin is conveyed inside
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