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Maximum Exterior Sizes of Coffins Accepted on the Hearses' Decks

Only Maximum Exterior Coffin Lengths & Widths Are Listed Below 

Alternative & Specialist Hearses

  Trike Hearse
   7 ft 6 in x 3 ft 5 in ( 90 x 41 inches )

  White Daimler Hearse
   8 ft x 3 ft 4 in ( 96 x 40 inches ) 

  Boat Hearse
   7 ft 4 in x 2 ft 6 in ( 88 x 30 inches )

  HM Armed Forces Hearse
   7 ft 6 in x 3 ft 5 in ( 90 x 41 inches )

  Football Supporter's Hearse
   8 ft x 3 ft 6 in ( 96 x 42 inches )

  Range Rover Hearse - Option A
   7 ft 6 in x 3 ft 5 in ( 90 x 41 inches )

  Range Rover Hearse - Option B
   5 ft 6 in x 1 ft 8.5 in ( 66 x 20.5 inches ) - Can go wider with adjustment

  Baby's Hearse - The coffin rests on a mini-deck between the parents
   Pale blue & pale pink mini-decks: 2 ft 1.5 in x 1 ft 2.5 in ( 25.5 x 14.5 inches )
   Purple mini-deck: 1 ft 10 in x 9.75 in
 ( 22 x 9.75 inches )

  Infant's Hearse - The coffin rests on a raised catafalque directly behind the parents
   3 ft 8 in x 1 ft 6.25 in ( 44 x 18.25 inches )

  Child's Hearse - The coffin rests on a sparkle effect deck next to the parents
   5 ft 6 in x 1 ft 8.5 in ( 66 x 20.5 inches ) - Can go wider with adjustment 

  LGBT Hearse
   8 ft x 3 ft 4 in ( 96 x 40 inches ) 

  Trade Services for Funeral Homes

  Traditional Black Daimler Hearse
   8 ft x 3 ft 6 in ( 96 x 42 inches )

  Victorian Hand Bier
   7 ft  2 in ( 86 inches ) - Coffin can overhang the sides

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